We thought it would be fun to share some behind the scenes photos of us making the Boiled Pudding recipe video.  The thing is, this was the first time we thought of this and didn’t take that many photos.  We’re have to do better next time 🙂

Boiled Pudding St Helena
Getting all the ingredients ready.

Boiled Pudding St Helena
Chopping up all the Dates! So much chopping!

Boiled Pudding St Helena
Rubbing all the ingredients together.

Boiled Pudding St Helena
The first attempt didn't quite go perfectly.

Boiled Pudding St Helena
Cutting another piece. So good!!

Boiled Pudding St Helena
So much washing up!

Boiled Pudding St Helena
Finished pudding. Nice big piece!

Making Boiled Pudding Video

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