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St Helena’s Day 2018

The 21st of of May each year is an important day for us. Yes, it is the anniversary of discovering St Helena in 1502, however, now more importantly it is the day we invite all of our friends to celebrate with us.

We cook a whole load of Saint food — a big pot of Plo, some tins of Coconut Fingers and Cheese Straws, and even some fried Yam. We drink a few beers and glasses of wine, and then we have some school games in the park. In order to be crowded our grand champion, adults and children complete in the wheelbarrow race, the sack race, tug of war, and more, where having a good time is the aim.

We try to channel our childhood memories from St Helena of sports day on Francis Plain, and telling stories around a pot of Plo. We really enjoy and love celebrating St Helena’s Day.

2018 was another great year! Below is a short video of this year’s fun and games, which has us already excited for 2019 ?

Emma-Jane & Robin

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