We decided to take the photos yourselves. We thought we have a decent camera, and why not use the food we're making anyway for the photos. This was our thinking. But, as is the way with these things, it was a bit harder than first imagined for a non professional photographer/food stylist.

Substitute a beautifully lit artist studio with wonderful textured backdrops, for a tiled floor infront of a glass door. Combined some vinyl backgrounds brought of amazon, or what we could find in the cupboards, this became our canvas. Using plates, bowls, cutlery we've collected over the years as props, we set about trying to figure out how to photograph food.


St Helena Cookbook


St Helena Cookbook
Photographing St Helena Mackerel Soup


We're keen to reflect the mood of St Helena with our photos and to show off the food in the best possible way. Inspired by the glossy full page photos found in those famous chef cookbooks, we kinda realised that we needed to add texture and layers of interest to create depth within the photos. To, you know make them be bit more interesting, not so flat.

One of the things we struggled with is variety. With the amount of different dishes we needed to photograph, one of our fears is that we don't make all the photographs look the same. Use the same plates, backgrounds or angles so that when you flip through everything looks to similar. Granted, we're not sure how to make every photo seem distinct while sharing the same tone, but we underestimated the number of props we need. So we're combing whatever we have to try and make it work best we can.


St Helena Cookbook
Photographing St Helena Fudge


St Helena Cookbook
Photographing St Helena Fishcakes


To reflect our personality we try and put as much colour as we can into the photos. To create photos which are as bright and fresh as the taste of the food.


St Helena cookbook
Photographing St Helena Rock Cakes




Some of the photos we're taken so far.


St Helena Cookbook Pumpkin pudding
St Helena Pumpkin Pudding


St Helena Cookbook Fish in batter
St Helena Fish in Batter


St Helena cookbook Fishcakes
St Helena Fishcakes


St Helena Cookbook Rock cakes
St Helena Rock Cakes


St Helena cookbook Mackerel Soup
St Helena Mackerel Soup



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