We really wanted a pizza that reflected the rich flavours of St Helena. That as you bite into it, you're transported to a Jamestown kitchen table. While this combination might seem unnatural, its that mostly because its exotic. On the island we'll have mackerel fried, stuffed, and so many other ways. We add bacon to everything, with beetroot being a favourite side to fishcakes, or curry, anything really. They're bold favours on their own, but together... the saltiness of bacon and mackerel blend to create a flakey crunch, which balances against the soft sweet beetroot, followed by the warm heat of chilli. All these stong flavours combine to create a bite that takes you on a taste journey.
We think that this is a signature St Helena Pizza.
Pizza base (either make your own, or store brought)
Cheddar cheese (granted)
Saint tomato paste (see recipe here)
Smoked mackerel
Beetroot (boiled)
Chilli (chopped)
Baking tray, roller, greaseproof paper
This is us making it for the first time.